Clara Shinta


The aim of the research was to find out the effect of Emotional Regulation Training to reduce stress in teachers at Boarding school of Ibnul Qoyyim Putri Junior high School. The design of the research was pretest posttest countrol group design with follow up experiment. The subjects were 14 teachers of Junior high School, with median and high stress score in the pretest, teaching at Ibnul Qoyyim Putri Junior high School, able to communicate and cooperate. Stress score was measured by 24-items stress scale. Subjects were divided into 2 groups, experiment group and control group, 7 women each. Subjects were given an emotional regulation training of 3 skills: emotional monitoring skill, emotional evaluation skill, and emotional modification skill. Quantitative data was analysed with Mann-Whiitney U-Test, Wilcoxon, and Friedman Test. Qualitative data used in the research were obsevation, interview, worksheet, and evaluation sheet. Research showed that emotional regulation training was effective in reducing stress level in teacher of Ibnul Qoyyim Putri Junior High School.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.37598/pjpp.v6i2,%20Oktober.685


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