Hendra Aiyub, Adi Safyan, Alvin Azhar Hutasuhut, Andrit Yamesa


In the globalization era, increasingly fierce industrial competition demands the optimization of all
available resource to produce high quality products, so the companies can compete with others, as
well as for human resources. Nowadays, most of the jobs are done digitally, but not all workers in
the industry have digital skills. The same condition happens in the Indonesian Architecture,
Engineering, and Construction (AEC) sector. Even though it has made a major contribution to the
development of Indonesian industry, the digital skills of its human resources are still weak. The
competition in the world of architecture is getting harder. It is inevitable that free competition will
lead architects into laws of nature, which means that architecture graduates with better abilities can
survive dan able to adapt to the demands of space, time and technology. Likewise, skills in 3-
dimentional modelling in the world of construction. This ability is quite important in the world
construction or the world of architectural consulting, as a way to visualize designs in an attractive
way. One of the applications that provides 3D modelling features is Rhinoceros. The results obtained
in this community service are a media publication, collaboration between Malikussaleh University
and architecture alumni in Lhokseumawe city, and publication in a scientific journal. This service also
has a positive impact on the alumni to have digital 3D modelling skills using Rhinoceros software.
Keywords: Modelling, Rhinoceros, Consultants, Architecture

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.37598/abdimu.v2i2.1509


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