Maya Shafira


This research is describing about the use of deixis on the teachers’ speech in learning of the State Elementary School 16 Banda Aceh. Specifically, the problems of this research are (1) how does the use of person deixis on the teachers’ speech in learning, (2) how does the use of spatial deixis on the teachers’ speech in learning, and (3) how does the use of temporal deixis on the teachers’ speech in learning. The data of the research was the teachers’ speech containing the deixis, such as a person deixis, a spatial deixis, and a temporal deixis during the learning process at the class. The data collection was carried out by using an observation technique. Data analysis was conducted by identifying data, classfying data, analyzing data, and taking decision. The research results was classified into three groups: the use of person deixis, the use of spatial deixis, and the use of temporal deixis. Firstly, person deixis found on the teachers’ speech consist of the first singular person, the first plural person, the second singular person, the second plural person, and the third singular person. The first singular person, includes the form of greetings Ibu, Ibu Ani, and Bu Ani, the first plural person is kita. Besides, kita was also used to refer to the second singular and plural person. The second singular person, includes the form of kamu and greeting Nak. Apart from using as the second singular person, kamu and greeting Nak was also used to refer to the second plural person. The second plural person was in the form of kalian. The third singular person, includes dia, attachment form -nya, and the greeting forms Ibu itu and Bu Cut. Form -nya, was not only used as the second plural person, but also as the second singular and plural person. Secondly, the spatial deixis found on the teachers’ speech, includes ini, sini, di sini, itu, di situ, ke situ, di sana, ke sana, kemari, and ke belakang. Third, temporal deixis found on the teachers’ speech, includes nanti, sebentar, sebentar lagi, sekarang, besok, besok-besok, dari tadi, tadi, hari ini, kemarin, lusa, tahun yang kemarin, kemarinnya dulu, and kemarin dulu.


Kata kunci: deiksis, tuturan guru, dan pembelajaran


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