Agus Ariyanto


The purpose of this research is to know the description of organizational culture, spiritual leadership and job satisfaction as well as the influence of organizational culture and spiritual leadership both partialy and simultaneously to job satisfaction.

This research conducted at MQ Corporation. The desain of this research is descriptive and verificative with an explanatory survey method. Where the respondents of this research are company’s employee. The collection of data is carried out by interview and disseminates the questionnaires to 85 respondents. The analysis of data and hypothesis-test uses path analysis.

The result of research and hypothesis-test indicate that: (1) there is close correlation between organizational culture and spiritual leadership by positive connection direction; (2) organizational culture and spiritual leadership to job satisfaction partialy have a significant effect, with a larger influence on spiritual leadership; (3) organizational culture and spiritual leadership simultaneously have a significant on the increased job satisfaction.


Key words: organizational culture, spiritual leadership and job satisfaction


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