Nura Zuriati, Tahara Dilla Santi, Maidar Maidar


Background: Optimal levels of public health can be achieved through various efforts, one of which is disease prevention through hand washing with soap (CTPS). School-age children are prone to various diseases due to low CTPS behavior. The aim of the study was to determine the factors related to CTPS among students at SMPN 3 Kota Sabang. Methods: The research method uses descriptive analytics with a cross- sectional approach. This research was conducted at SMPN 3 Kota Sabang with a sample of 85 students in class VII and VIII. Data collection uses  a structured questionnaire instrument. Data analysis uses univariate analysis to display the frequency distribution of each variable and bivariate analysis uses the chi-square test. Result: The results show that there is a relationship between knowledge (p value = 0.001), attitude (p value = 0.002), and the role of health workers (p value = 0.000) with CTPS behavior, and there is no relationship between the teacher's role (p value = 0.462) with CTPS behavior. Recommendation:  It is hoped that School Health Unit (UKS) officers can provide more extensive education  to students about the benefits of CTPS.


CTPS Behavior, Knowledge, Attitude, The Role of The Officer, The Role of The Teacher

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