Suryani Murad


The research problem of this study is how the effect of price, quality, and promotion towards purchasing decision of Yamaha motorcycle among the students of Economic Faculty Muhammadiyah University Aceh.

This study aims to identify the affect of price, product  and promotion towards the purchasing decision of Yamaha motorcycle among the students of Economic Faculty Muhammadiyah University Aceh and to determine the dominant variable with significant influence to the purchasing decision of Yamaha motorcycle among the students of Economic Faculty of Muhammadiyah University Aceh.

The population in this study is students who use Yamaha motorcycle in Economic Faculty of Muhammadiyah University Aceh, with the number of population is 894 students. The sample in this study was drawn  by applying convenience sampling with the number of sample is 90 students which is determined by Slovin formula. The method of this study uses mutiple linier regression.

The result of partial test (t-test) shows that only promotion has significant influence towards the purchasing decision of Yamaha motorcycle. This t-test was conducted by 5 percent standard of significance. While, the result of simultaneous test (uji F)  was gained at Fcount (17.106) > Ftable (2.3205) with probability sig 0.000 < 0.05 which means price, quality, and promotion influence the purchasing decision of Yamaha motorcycle among the students of Economic Faculty Muhammadiyah University Aceh simultaneously. The Correlation coefficient (R)  is obtained at 0.611 shows the rate of the relation between dependent variable with independent variable in the strong/tight rate. while the adjusted R2 is gained at 0.352 which means 35.2 percent of the purchasing decision can be explained by the variable of price, product and promotion while 64.8 percent of the purchasing decision is influenced by other variables outside of this  study.

Price, quality, and promotion has significant influence on the purchasing decision of Yamaha motorcycle among the students of Economic Faculty Muhammadiyah University Aceh simultaneously. However, partially only promotion has significant influence and dominant on the the purchasing decision of Yamaha motorcycle. Therefore, it is better for the manufacturer to be more aggresive in conducting their promotion and creating better quality with affordable price. Thus, the customer will be more interested to buy Yamaha motorcycle.


Keywords : price, product, promotion, purchasing decisions


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